The Investit Academy: Commercial Real Estate Education

Commercial real estate is a huge market full of opportunities. As profitable as it is, commercial real estate agents need to master a significant amount of subjects.
Recruits need to learn complicated analysis, jargon and rules to reach deals and secure them without your brokerage running into any problems.
Our partners at Investit Software Inc have developed the perfect solution.
Investit Academy’s online training program enables you to recruit, train, truly test and hire agents efficiently.

You can schedule a Phone Call or a Zoom Meeting with the creator of the Investit Academy, Neil Osborne, right now!

  • Expand Your Sale’s Team and Increase Revenue

Investit Software Inc has developed a comprehensive, cost-effective and convenient commercial real estate training program to test and train applicants. 

This allows you to find top talent in today’s competitive market and hire with confidence and ease, saving time and money.

Investit Software provides the perfect online training program to raise your current agents’ commercial and real estate IQ level. You can easily test and recruit new talented agents.

These trained agents will have the opportunity to take on commercial real estate deals, opening a doorway to more revenue for your business.

This is a true investment. Such deals generate more income and can quickly cover the budget you spent on them. More trained agents means more deals, more success and further growth

Click here for temporary access to the Investit Academy LMS 

Want to strike more deals with a higher income for your business? The commercial real estate market is the way to go. And you can prepare your agents even if they have lack of experience in this area. The “Raising Your Commercial IQ Video Series” starts with the basics, this means they can learn online and at their own pace.

As a manager, you can easily oversee your team’s training using the step-by-step guide provided by Investit Software Inc. 

Your CRE raw recruits can measure their progress independently, and then work with their coach or supervisor to improve their educational progress. 

The Investit Software can be used for both beginners and more experienced agents in commercial real estate. As a manager, you can choose different educational materials for different people.

View the course outlines

Investit Software solution trains agents to be prepared for huge profitable deals and the liabilities that come with them. Your agents will be able to structure deals with minimum risk and maximum gain.

Sign Up now and train your agents for better and bigger deals

Visit the Investit Website for more information